Thursday, September 08, 2005

sorta bluish?

so it's like a blue green. not sure what i think. it'll stick for now. attempted to make improvements to font size and tried to have post titles stick out more as a way of divisions...

incase anyone was wondering, i just like spanish. maybe i'll rotate the languages to throw everyone off.... brou ha ha.

if you don't want your site linked on my sidebar, you better tell me...

so i had this crazy dream that my friend lauren and i were taking trains down the eastern coast of south america... then somehow we took a plane to skip over a country named "soqay rohay" - close enough, i read it on a map i was looking at. lauren commented she was glad to skip that country, as you could tell from her map, it was a blank nothing. so we went on to arcatania, a country north of rohay on the map but southern in latitude... we ate at a street restaurant. lauren amazingly ran into someone she knew in arcatania, since she's a crazy world traveler and knows people everywhere, and i tried to order an alcenia sandwich (apparently it had spinach, turkey, broccoli, and sausage on it) and a coke in broken spanish and the cashier laughed at me... so then we were headed to catch a boat to africa where we could travel up africa's eastern coast. it was undecided if we'd do train, bike, or foot. we were hoping to finish our travels in 2 weeks.

i usually don't remember my dreams, and even now, i've forgotten most of it. complete randomness.


Jackson said...

Dreams are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Good color. Migrains have ceased.