Thursday, September 01, 2005

color color everywhere

color color in your hair... i mean... nevermind...

my sister complained about the color of my blog hurting her eyes. i started playing around with the color schemes, and found that all the other combos i liked were equally bright and annoying (if annoying is what you could call it)... that's to say, i liked them, but chances are my blog readers would not. i like the bold colors, but if you have an opinion on it, let me know. (as in, if the color scheme gets in the way of you visiting my blog.... ;)

i am off this weekend for fun in the sun. hopefully a miracle will happen and gas prices will plummet (HA)... I will be seeing friends and photographing a wedding... the pressure is on! yikes.

and my offer still stands, call me between 10:30pm and 9:30am EST and you'll be my new best friend ;)


Jackson said...

eh, I'm down with the red. it's a very Spanish sort of color scheme for your blog. It tastes like Spanish, if you will.
Yo, what do you think of Yancey's The Jesus I Never Knew? It's been awhile since I read it, but I pulled it out a few times this summer and reread certain chapters, like the ones on miracles and the sermon on the mount, and like the first three or so as well.

Anonymous said...

The red is a little intense. If the strong background is going to stay, I'd love to see a thicker or larger font.

Cousin, Kevin