Tuesday, September 06, 2005

flickr update

ok- just a little FYI - i've changed my flickr account some. basically, i originally signed up for flickr so as to have a way to post pictures to this blog. it started out with some really boring photos of my life in lexington: apartment, workplace, dog, etc. then i posted photos other friends wanted to see: weddings, dog, travels, etc. many of these photos i did not take. and since for a long time i was without a digital camera, i only posted other's digital photos, not my own. hence, my flickr account became a hodge-podge of worthless images (worthless = unartistic) or images i couldn't take credit for.

so i've opened a new flickr account with a different location to be filled with these worthless but worthwhile for someone else type photos.

also, this frees up my original account to be devoted to photos that i can personally take credit for, where i can post photos that i've both worked for and worked on. feel free to (and please do!) comment on them, and i will be adding more very soon, i promise! i just took a whole card full of shots while away last weekend.

both sites are still under construction/revision...

this service announcement was brought to you by the ashland diversion project: seeking to put the gainful back into the employment.


Dwight said...

how'd the card thing go? Big enough, or limiting?

Anonymous said...

So - I like the green color, it's a bit better on my over-exposed-to-computer-monitor eyes.