Monday, September 12, 2005

basking in its glow

basking in its glow, originally uploaded by fotobutterfly.

me, in Pensacola, enjoying a beer from the great state of Texas. Shiner Bock.


Dwight said...

SHINER! That's some good beer...

Nice Pic

Dwight said...

Did you add that eye sparkle?

Kristi said...

cross screen filter on the camera.

not a photoshop deal. ;P

Dwight said...

yeah, I assumed that since you have Photoshophobia...

You know, I hardly ever use Photoshop... (It is frickin expensive...) And I was thinking of buying some filters for my wussy little non SLR digital camera until I thought I wanted to buy an SLR...

Kristi said...

yes, you do want an SLR... trust me.

(SLR, SLR, SLR....) -- the chant continues... pulling you away from the shadows on the wall of your cave and out into the pure light of great photography...

Dwight said...

heck, why settle for "single" lens reflex... I want two, or three...

Or eleventy billion!!!!!