Sunday, August 15, 2004

Kentuckians are confused; Photography excursion 1

The other day I was driving around Lexington with Jake who was visiting, and after being in this city for a while, I've come to the conclusion that Kentuckians are confused. We are not wholly backward people, we don't go around barefoot all the time, most of us have teeth, and not everyone has a bad redneck accent.... but we are confused. Just take a look at our street signs:
Mt. McKinley Way -- um, we're not Alaska guys
Camelot Dr., King Arthur Ct. -- and we're not in the Middle Ages
Then they place "Nantucket" right next to "Malabu" -- I wasn't aware that Massachusetts and California were next door neighbors.
Then there are the city names:
Versailles (pronounced Ver-SALES) -- we think we're French, but we sure can't speak French
Athens (pronoucned Ay- thens) -- so we're not Greek either...
Louisville (pronounced something like Loo-uh-vulle, but I'm still trying to figure that one out!) -- so apparently we liked King Louis from France, but again, butcher his name.
and then the infamous, "Man O War Blvd" -- yes, we pay tribute to a dead horse. A bigger, more infamous road in Lexington than "Martin Luther King Jr" got.
Anyone have favorite wacky Lexington street names? Maybe we are backwards... at least I'm not a native to this state... ;)

Photographed an old abandoned church overgrown by plants and weeds with busted windows and pews falling apart. (ironically, I shot the photos before going to church this morning) The window ledges were the new lair of spiders, plants had fought their way through cracked windows, the cross over the pulpit was missing the horizontal, and the stained glass windown of Jesus was faded and barely distinguishable. But a poster still hung on the walls proclaiming hope and unity, and a dusty, rotting hymnal lay open to the page about proclaiming the news to the Nations... just a little ironic. It was a good subject to shoot, but all the same, a bit depressing. I don't know the story behind the church, but I sure do wonder.

a little update: I'm progressing on my political science education. Good conversations with Jake and other friends this weekend, and I'm reading the paper when it's around, yipee. I've also been enjoying the Olympics, caught synchronized diving, swimming, and men's gymnastics yesterday.... pretty fun. I completely missed out on the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, couldn't tell you a thing about them, so this is fun for me to watch some of the events this year.
I also have two interviews tomorrow...


Jackson said...

Hooray for confusion!
Hooray for visits from Jake!
Hooray for interviews!

And above all else, hooray for Jesus Christ.

Dwight said...

Hooray for "hooray"s from Jackson!

Anonymous said...

And the Dave said:

Hooray for...uh...nevermind.

Anonymous said...
