Saturday, January 15, 2005

a lesson learned

so i learned a lesson the hard way.
i have been trying to "live simply" and be frugal - after all, i am
trying to save up for grad school someday. but a couple weeks ago, i
was just really craving ice cream. ice cream, i must say, is a
luxury. but i thought, what the heck, it just sounds so good. but
being the frugal person that i am, i wasn't going to buy the most
expensive brand, so what did i do? yes, i bought a half gallon of
cheap ****** brand (to protect the innocent ;) vanilla ice cream.
last week I had my first serving- my first indulgence- into the ice
cream. i had chocolate syrup all ready to pour all over it, cookie
dough to go along with it... and what do I find? ... this cheap ice
cream was no ice cream. at least not what i call ice cream. oh, if
only i had gotten ben and jerry's (or at least something close to
equivalent!) ... but, alas!, i am stuck with a half gallon of nasty
imitation vanilla ice cream... it dreams of being something better,
but that something it never will be. (some of you are probably
laughing now at how my frugality has backfired!) so a lesson hard
learned- don't buy cheap ice cream. Some things you just can't
compromise on. ... ... ...


Jackson said...

Man. Poor Kristi! I've been learning some lessons the hard way too. Last week I got parking tickets two days in a row--$60 total fines. And I've lost one of the tickets! Learning the ropes of driving, or being frugal, doesn't come easy. But hey, at least you'll never make the same mistake twice!
Sure makes you appreciate free cone day, don't it?

Dwight said...

some cheep brands are better than others, but you gotta be careful how you experiment... I usually hit my dad up for ice cream money, then experiment ;)

Kristi said...

...and the ironic thing is that everyone I shared this imitation ice cream with didn't seem to notice... either they were being nice or didn't mind the cheap ice cream as much as I did... perhaps I'm an ice cream snob. I also noticed that this ice cream was "light" - so COME ON, again, no wonder it would taste bad! Ice cream is just not meant to be had "light" - I want the real deal or I would've had sherbert instead.

Jackson said...

I'm of the same attitude regarding diet soda.

Dwight said...

Yeah, I'd go with sherbet over Diet Soda any day

Karen said...

If the ice cream you're referring to was the one in the box you brought to our house, it was ok, but I did notice it was in fact CHEAP ice cream. Knowing your desperate frugality I said nothing but thought, "why not decent ice cream, at least, esp. since it's your favorite indulgence?" So yes. One can be frugal and still enjoy the finer things in life on occasion. There is always balance... when going to extremes (in frugality or frivolity) you run into trouble. Balance, grasshopper. Go buy Ben & Jerry's.

Dwight said...

Blue Bell
Blue Bell
Blue Bell!

Kristi said...

Karen: and you think ice cream is my favorite indulgence.... silly rabbit.
Dwight: Blue Bell is awesome. I had some when I was in Austin hanging out with Deborah and Stuart. If I had three thumbs, it would get three thumbs up.

Chad B said...

So what IS your favorite indulgence? We should have some good ice cream this weekend and watch the DVD you brought over last week :)