Sunday, April 15, 2007


In Belarus, I re-use teabags and matches. Plastic grocery bags also get at least 10 uses before having to be thrown away because of holes. Conservation and economy are more of a norm, and take on new levels over here.

I was walking to a friend's flat the other day and I passed by a young mother with her son, who was just at that age to be walking with the assistance of her hand. He was pointing at objects and saying what they were. He pointed and said (in russian) "Flowers!" His mother replied, "No, not flowers, it's a car." It made me smile.

I currently have a roommate named Evie, a little kitten. She is at the moment sitting on my lap, as I type.

She also likes to jump on high places, and occasionally, for her that can mean my head.

1 comment:

Dwight said...

I really can send you 400 plastic bags that I have collected since I moved here.