Wednesday, December 07, 2005

to a specific someone named karen

who is also named mouth
who is an inch taller than me
who is more fashionable than me
who somewhat resembles me
who loves the Lord like me
who is a way pickier eater than me
who is much more outgoing than me
who is a better driver than me
who is a good friend to me
who is twenty times funnier than me
who is 3.5 years older than me
and who happens to be related to me...

happy pearl harbor day! i mean... happy birthday!!!

may the adventures continue.


Karen said...

Thanks, sis! You're super-cool. And I think there's a chance you might be a pickier eater than me these days...maybe not.

Kristi said...

uh, exqueeze me, but the only things I dislike completely are:
3-lima beans
4-english peas

the almost #5 item is peppers. but I am getting used to peppers.

even so, I would eat all 5 aforesaid foods if coerced or if it would be polite to do so, etc.

now tell me that your list of foods that you dislike is *less* than 5 items. I dare you. ;P