Monday, June 20, 2005


Thanks Stuart!

ode to a beer

you drive me crazy with your foamy expression
stealing away my pent up frustration
soothing my inner rumble and growl
i pursue your longneck by a sudden prowl
aimed at capturing your essence,
but your taste only leaves me in a state of transcedence
alaskan glaciers and canadian rockies overtake
the quintessence of this root i cannot mistake
as i find myself drastically elevated
my mind, my thoughts, i cannot contain it
i try to soak the flavor in slowly, savoring
the time that remains, as the waters are gushing
beside my campsite in a world of summer travels gone-by
but soon the brown bottom meets my eye
i smile in joy, in jubilation, in sheer satiation
but the lingering taste is a cruel tantalization...


Anonymous said...

I love it. simply LOVE IT. mmmmmm, beeeeer

Dwight said...

woah, it's all spanish and stuff...