Friday, August 08, 2008

hunter woman.

ok, fess up... who bought me the subscription to "Field & Stream???"

Seriously, now.

I got an issue in the mail last month. Thought it was some one-time promotional thing. Nope. Another issue arrived today. Apparently I have a subscription through June 2009.

Funny thing is... I like the outdoors... and Field & Stream is "the world's leading outdoor magazine"... BUT... I am neither a hunter nor a fisher. I've shot a gun, um, once in my life. This is the closest I've come to fishing.

So bizarre is what it amounts to. Guess you'll find me reading about the essential classics that every outdoors(wo)man needs.... a marble safety AXE!!! WOOO!!!

1 comment:

tdurbs said...

You're blogging again!

I'm so proud :)

Does this mean I have to start writing again? Maybe Bird by Bird will be a great inspiration to me/us.